Our Team


Our Team -

Jay Ott

Supporting my community, and giving of my time have always been very important to me from a young age.  I’ve always recognized the need for help and have never been able to look the other way. I realized that to have a positive impact or outcome someone and something has to do be done about it.  My passion for volunteering is with youth, support for at risk youth, our indigenous community, and offering opportunities and support to those who need it the most.

Founding and constructing this charity has been a long time dream of mine and more importantly a need for our community. Firefighters are in a unique position in being front and centre in our community, certainly the at risk community, lower socioeconomic community, witnessing the struggles of so many.

I believe it’s our duty, not just on the job but off the job as well to support that community both monetarily, and more importantly giving of ourselves and our time. 

I am fortunate that many others within the RPFFA Local 181 feel the same way and have been so generous and supportive of the goals and mission of this charity.  It truly is a team effort.  I am honoured to Chair this organization.


Tanner Brotzel

Hi my name’s Tanner Brotzel, I’m in my 10th year as a firefighter with Regina Fire And Protective Services. I’m married with two young children. I was born and raised in Regina and have been heavily involved with sports and many other activities in Regina. Because of this I wanted to be a part of this charity committee and give back to the community I was raised in and that I will be raising my children in.

The other big part of this committee is the Benevolence Fund which goes to help our fellow firefighters in need. Stepping up and supporting one another is something we as firefighters have always done. I was fortunate enough to experience this first hand when I was diagnosed with Cancer 8 years ago and my fellow firefighters covered all my shifts while I went through cancer treatments so I didn’t have to deal with the financial burden of being off work. We’ve always taken care of our own, now we’re just doing it in a more official capacity which I’m thrilled to be a part of.


Jaden Kuculym

My name is Jaden Kuculym and I am beginning my 5th year as a City of Regina Firefighter. Prior to my career in fire, I was fortunate to earn the opportunity of working EMS within the city. Both experiences have allowed me to recognize a wide range of problems that many families are faced with in our own community. Although the department and our union have previously embarked on numerous charitable efforts and continue to do so, I became involved with Hydrants and Hearts with the intent of improving the lives of our own neighbours on a much larger scale.

I’m looking forward to being a part of this Charity and putting in the work to support our community.

Committee Treasurer

Boun Phoummabout

A little about myself, I came to Canada when I was 2 years old from a refugee camp in Thailand where I was born. I went to fire college in Melville.  

I have always been passionate about giving back to the community through volunteering at soup kitchens, coaching, and sports camps. 

I grew up the inner city. As I got older I realized not everyone has access to the same things. Not everyone will get a Christmas gift, or have 3 meals a day.

This is a big reason why I wanted to be apart of this committee. As a firefighter I believe we are capable of doing more in our community and lending a hand when and where it’s needed.I’m looking forward to being a part of this Charity and putting in the work to support our community.

Committee Secretary

Kevin Daku

The reason I wanted to be apart of Hydrants & Hearts is the same reason I wanted to become a firefighter. I want to serve and give back to the community I was born and raised in. Growing up in Regina I understand the impact charitable organizations have on our communities and the positive differences they truly make. I’m honoured to be apart of this charitable organization and look forward to getting out in the community and making a difference.

Committee Member