Hydrants and Hearts.

HYDRANTS & HEARTS is a brand new Non-profit Charity in the City Of Regina.  We’re comprised of The Regina Professional Firefighters Association Local 181 and all of it’s members.  We are an incorporated Non-Profit in Saskatchewan and awaiting approval from CRA to be a Registered Charity in Canada. 

The Firefighters Benevolence Fund.

A chance to help those that help you.  Even firefighters need a helping hand sometimes.  

The Benevolence Fund is a way to offer support to firefighters in need.  Whether that’s having other members cover their shifts while they recover or heal from an injury or illness or offering support to firefighters and their families in times of need.  

Our goal is to be able to offer firefighters and their families support for injury, illness, long-term sickness, mental health issues or PTSS. We as a membership contribute roughly $17,000.00 annually to this cause. 

If you’re somebody that would like to make a donation or want more information on this cause please don’t hesitate to reach out.

We thank you for your care, concern, and donations. 

** Benevolence Fund donations do not qualify for tax write-offs **
